The world is a much better place when people are considerate, not only towards their fellow humans but also towards our four legged furry pals! Our planet is shared amongst all and as we approach the end of 2020, the time is ripe to start being inclusive towards all the species around us! The festive season is upon us, which is a total hit but one of the major misses from our side is the inconsideration towards the stray animals during this “lively” time. While we cannot change the world overnight, small but meaningful deeds can help our strays in ways unimaginable.
Here’s a list of a few ways to ensure the welfare of the strays in your surroundings, especially during this festive season:
1. Cracker-less celebrations:
We all love fireworks, but it really perturbs our four legged friends. A well-known fact yet neglected by most of us is that the noise of the crackers and fireworks can cause major discomfort to our fellow furry citizens. A way to remedy this, is by making wiser choices by enjoying being with our loved ones and celebrating with sweets and beautiful lighting.
2. Open Verandahs & parking spaces to the ones in need:
Strays look for shelters, den like small and enclosed spaces when they’re scared of all the noise caused by the crackers. If you’re lucky enough to reside in a house with some open space, whether it’s the parking area or a small verandah right outside your house, how about we open those spaces up for strays looking for a place to hide. Hiding in enclosed spaces make them feel safer and helps them calm down from all the anxiety caused by the noise. You can also make them more comfortable by keeping out a bowl of water and some normal Parle G biscuits right beside it.
3. A little duck-n-check before you start the engine of your car, to check if there’s no stray dog or cat hiding under it:
More often than not, these strays end up taking shelter under your car during this tough time. So, do remember to take a quick check under your car before you hop into your vehicle and drive off.
This festive season, let’s fight over the evil that takes shelter inside of us at times. Let’s be more receptive and considerate towards these speechless adorable companions that we share our beautiful planet with.
Have a safe, loving, cracker-free, pet friendly Diwali from us to you! #LetsPetFed!
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