
5 Instances Where Therapy Dogs & Cats Made This World a Better Place

If you’re an animal lover and haven’t been living under a rock, you would know that Therapy Dogs are making all the right noises! Animal Assisted Therapy is one such form of therapy that humans with serious mental illnesses, physical disabilities or even specially abled kids have been going for. However, nowadays pet therapy is not limited to just this. Kids and people are opting for Pet Therapy everywhere. They spend time with furry pooches and eventually feel better.

Here are some common instances where therapy dogs made someone’s day:

1. Therapy Dogs Helping Youngsters Fight Stress & Anxiety:

 Many youngsters and angst teens are opting for ‘pet therapy’. It involves playing outdoors, cuddling and going on a shopping trip with a therapy dog. This therapeutic option is taken up by youngsters mostly to deal with all academic and life stresses.

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2. Mumbai Airport Hired Therapy Dogs for Anxious Flyers:

At Mumbai airport, comfort dogs are giving anxious flyers some therapy and lots of cuddles. They’re calming down the first time flyers and are even giving comfort to lonely, stranded & homesick flyers.

3. Pet Therapy at Workplaces & Corporates:

Companies the world over are using animal power to reduce stress and help in staff retention. Companies such as Google, Amazon, Purina and Nestle have realised the value of animal power and are doing their best to harness it. When they allow their employees to bring their pets to work, the employees are happy and happy employees are productive employees. Even co-working spaces these days have in-house pets for the very same reason!

4. Symbiosis University Adopted Puppies to Help Students Fight Stress and Feel at Home:

Back in 2016, Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication (SIMC) did the cutest thing and biggest favour to their resident students ever, adopted three pets Dollar & Pound at the campus’ hostel. This was done to ensure students can combat stress as well as boost their overall well-being.

5. Therapy Dogs Helped Exhausted Doctors and Nurses Feel Better and Comfortable:

Interacting with a therapy dog for couple of minutes may help lower stress in physicians and nurses working in emergency departments, say researchers. While fighting the pandemic, hospitals around the world took to animal assisted therapy where therapy dogs were brought in to improve the emotional well-being of the healthcare staff.

Tune in to watch our Facebook Live Session at 6 PM today, on what it takes to become a therapy dog!

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