The History of Pug
The Pug is an ancient breed that was brought from China to Europe around two thousand years ago. In those times, Pugs were bred to be companions for ruling families in China. The pet Pugs were highly valued by Chinese Emperors, and the royal dogs were kept in luxury and guarded by soldiers.
The breed is often described by the Latin phrase “multum in parvo” meaning "a lot in a little". Moreover, they were known by different names like Lo-sze in China, Mopsi in Finland, Doguillo in Spain, or Mophonds among the Dutch.
Pug reportedly became the official dog of Holland’s royal family ‘House of Orange’ when it saved the life of the Prince of Orange by alerting him of an attack on his camp by Spanish troops. When William and Mary of Orange arrived in England to assume the monarchy, their Pugs accompanied them due to which they gained popularity among the British.
Pugs are known for being sociable, playful, and thrive on human companionship.

Ideal Characteristics
10 to 13 inches
5.8-8 kgs
Life Span
13-15 Years
Fur Coat
Heavy shedders with Short Coat
Charming, Mischievous, Loving
Energy Levels
Dietary Needs
Small Breed Formula diet
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