Drone, a sniffer dog was martyred during an anti-Maoist operation under Kurumgarh police station on Tuesday morning. The blast that Drone triggered while searching for explosives saved the lives of the CoBRA commandos with whom he was serving. The incident took place in Jharkhand’s Gumla district and Drone's handler, a CRPF jawan was also injured and rushed to Ranchi for Medical aid.
A statement from the Jharkhand police headquarters said, “A specific operation was being conducted on Tuesday morning in the same area by the joint forces along with the dog squad and the bomb disposal and destruction squad (BDDS). During the operation, the team came under [the] impact of an IED [blast] in which, Drone was martyred while its handler Vishwajit Kumbhkar got injured. The injured jawan was evacuated immediately and airlifted to Ranchi for medical aid. He is currently under treatment at a private hospital.” The statement also said, “His selfless sacrifice will be never forgotten and will always be remembered as an ACT OF VALOR. Shaheed DRONE was cremated with a guard of honor and as per laid down procedure of the force.”
Drone was a male Belgian Shepherd (Malinois), aged 6 years and 9 months. He was deployed in the elite 203 CoBRA unit on the 27th of December 2015 and diligently served the battalion by participating in 83 operations in almost all parts of Jharkhand state. A CRPF release said that Drone founded 4 containers of 40 kgs explosive each in April 2016 during an operation in the Parasnath area. The cache also contained detonators, cortex, mobile phone, walky-talky, and GPS. His selfless efforts helped in avoiding any mishaps and save valuable lives.
Earlier, the headquarters had said that the entire area was laid with vast traps of IEDs by the extremists, and a few villagers had died while grazing cattle in similar IED blasts in the forests.
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