Give Your Pets The Weekend They Deserve!

Exercise Dogs for Health

Ensuring your dog gets regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for his health.

The exercise factor
Exercising your dog is not only essential for his health and wellbeing, but it’s also a great way for you to spend quality time together and strengthen the bond between you.

Along with helping your dog control weight, build energy and maintain strong cardiovascular and immune systems, exercise also benefits the mental health of your dog.

Vary your routine
Helping your dog stay in shape should never be a chore for either of you. Exercise should be fun and varied – and doesn't just have to be long time-consuming walks.

If you stick to the same routine every day your dog may get bored. Change your walking route regularly, and try to add in some playtime. But don’t overdo things and make sure you tailor your routine to suit both you and your dog.

If your dog has more energy than you do, play fetch with a ball or a flying disc. The activity will provide exercise that is both challenging and fun for your dog without wearing you out.

All puppies and young dogs benefit from playing fetch. As long as they receive positive reinforcement in the form of hugs and pats (avoid using treats too much as this can lead to obesity), many dogs will gladly wear out your throwing arm. Avoid throwing sticks as wood can often splinter and damage teeth, throat and stomach.

On the other hand, older dogs tend to prefer more refined, leisurely walks – but changing the route can help keep things interesting!

Breed needs
It may not come as a surprise that some breeds naturally crave more frequent and vigorous exercise than others. Often this is a result of the original role they were bred for. Others may have genetically inherited their favourite pastimes. Terriers love to dig; Hounds, with a strongly developed sense of ‘chase’, prefer sharp bursts of exercise; Pastoral breeds particularly enjoy canine sports. Reach out to your vet to learn more about your dog’s instinctive preferences.

Start out gently
If in the past you have not been able to provide your pet with regular exercise, but have now decided to start, go slowly at first.
Begin with short periods of activity at slow speeds, gradually increasing the time, speed, and distance.
It’s recommended to start walking or running your dog on soft surfaces such as dirt, sand or grass until the pads on their feet toughen.
Keeping your dog on a leash gives you control when walking or running.
And most importantly, if your dog has a history of medical problems, it’s better to work with your vet to plan an appropriate exercise program.

Avoid exercising dogs immediately before or after they’ve eaten. A full stomach may cause digestive upsets or even serious illnesses. It’s best to only provide small amounts of water before and directly after exercise.

Whatever the weather
Dogs need regular exercise whatever the weather condition. But it’s important to keep in mind that extreme weather presents extra challenges. Like us, dogs can suffer from frostbite, so if you walk your dog in the snow, wipe the paw pads to remove any snow, ice or salt that may have gotten caught in between the toes.

In summer, keep a lookout for sunburns, heat strokes, and dehydration.

But whatever activity you end up doing together, always remember that your dog loves to spend time with you, so make that time really special.



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