Farah Khan, a renowned filmmaker, is all praises for her 12 year old daughter Anya, who has been putting her heart and soul to raise genuine money for helping out strays and abandoned animals on the street during the coronavirus crisis. Anya is sketching pet portraits for people and selling it for merely 1000 bucks each, proceeds of which are going towards feeding the homeless and stray animals affected by the pandemic’s lockdown.
Farah took to social media to help her daughter’s cause and spread the word, announcing that she was able to raise Rs. 70,000 in just 5 days and is still at it. The likes of Hrithik Roshan, Aditi Rao Hydari, Dia Mirza & Ritesh Deshmuk also promoted the little one’s cause and helped her reach this selfless goal.
These are times that show India’s privileged youth is also capable of making a huge difference to the society! Here’s a special message from little Anya:
Source: India Today / News 18
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