Gujarat Police, in a bid to ensure that their canine colleagues spend their post-retirement time with respect and dignity, will be opening a retirement home for them. DGP Ashish Bhatia will inaugurate the facility, which has been made ready at Anand Police Headquarters.
The officials associated with this project said that the home will begin with 14 retired dogs and will be expanded up to 50, based on the requirement. To ensure an active retired life for these dogs, the facility has shelters, obstacle courses, open ground, etc.
Vikas Sahay, DGP (training), and the chairman of the Dog Purchase Committee of the state police said, “Canine units are an integral part of any police force. After a lifespan in force, they sometimes don’t get the right treatment. We thus decided to take the step as our moral responsibility to ensure a decent life for them.” According to senior officials, about seven to eight dogs get retired due to age annually. Gujarat Police currently has about 150 dogs in service, and 100 more will be joining the force soon.
Ajit Rajian, Anand SP, said that the existing kennel has been expanded and re-designed for the purpose. “The kennel would have everything that the dogs would need - from medical attention to recreational facilities. Some of the former staff members of the canine unit have been roped in to take care of the dogs,” said Rajian. “The primary reason for setting up the state-level old age home for dogs in Anand is the excellent veterinary facility available in the vicinity.”
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