Odisha Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, sanctioned an amount of Rs 60 lakh from the CM Relief Fund on Sunday to feed stray animals during the Covid-19 lockdown.
The Odisha government decided to make these arrangements after taking into account that the locals will not be able to feed stray animals due to the Covid-19 lockdown. This will be done through volunteers and voluntary organizations. The released amount will be spent in five municipal corporations, 48 municipalities, and 61 NACs of the State. While the municipal corporations of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Sambalpur, and Berhampur will get Rs 20,000 each, 48 municipalities will get Rs 5,000 each. Each of the 61 NACs will get Rs 2000 each to feed the cattle, dogs, and birds during the lockdown.
Three animal welfare organizations - People for Animal, Rehabitat Foundation, and Alap - have been roped in by the civic body to distribute food among the stray animals in three zones of the city. "Three vehicles have been provided to distribute food and water in the city by the agencies and the program is being monitored by BMC officials,” said Deputy Commissioner (animal birth control) Shyama Sundar Sethy.
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