A Labrador named Dora, belonging to the Himachal Pradesh Police Dog Squad, saluted the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur before he entered the Vidhan Sabha in Himachal Pradesh.
The entire police department’s dog squad was present outside the Vidhan Sabha assembly to honour the Chief Minister and Assembly Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar on Thursday.
The Chief Minister was so impressed by Dora’s pawfect salute, he couldn’t resist and patted the dog before entering the assembly.
Shimla: A canine from the Himachal Pradesh Police's dog squad salutes Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur & Assembly Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar. pic.twitter.com/wwqLmEZeF4
— ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2020
Dora has served ten years in state police and is set to retire in February 2021. It has explosive detection skills and has been on duty during the visits of Presidents and Prime Ministers to the state.
“It was a pleasure and a proud moment that for the first time the dog squad salute was given to the Chief Minister and Speaker here outside Vidhan Sabha. Six dogs and their handlers were present during the salute,” said Assistant Sub-Inspector Anokhi Lal, who is in charge of the dog squad.
Source: ANI
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