Indian states are full of culture, but sometimes, these states break laws under the nose of the government. Despite dog killing & eating being illegal in India, this horrendous malpractice is still being carried out in parts of Nagaland under the guise of culture.
Now, you may be wondering it’s the state’s problem? Not really! Many of these dogs come from as far away as West Bengal and Assam. Trucks full of dogs are taken to Nagaland at night, crossing the border illegally. The dogs’ mouths are tied up with rope so that they cannot bark. Many even die of suffocation on the way.
*This picture is of an animal bazar in Dimapur, captured on the 26th of June.
How can you help?
You can write a mail to the Chief Secretary of Nagaland - Mr Temjan Toy and ask for the police to stop the dog bazars and the dog restaurants in Nagaland. His email id is
People for Animals, spearheaded by Maneka Gandhi started a movement to stop this practice right away. All you need to do is write an email, send it across & share this with your friends and families as well.
They’ve already reached their goal of 20,000 mails out of 50,000 mails. Please spare 2 minutes and do this today so we all can collectively reach the goal and this practice can be stopped. Let’s bring the change we hope to see in the world!
Arti says
Jul 03, 2020 03:20:24Please treat dogs with compassion. Please see that they are not put to any discomfort at all and certainly not in the cruel way that they are shown in the pic tied up in gunny bags .
Dolly singhvi says
Jul 04, 2020 07:58:29Please stop animal abuse.
Lavina says
Jul 04, 2020 08:12:32Please please i request you all ... Dogs are human's best friend.. dont kill them dont hurt them..
Mahesh Chaurasia says
Jul 04, 2020 04:18:09Please treat dogs with compassion. Please see that they are not put to any discomfort at all and certainly not in the cruel way that they are shown in the pic tied up in gunny bags .
PetsDogi says
Mar 31, 2024 01:45:48Your article is truly outstanding and packed with valuable insights! I found it incredibly informative and engaging. As a proud pet parent and avid reader of PetsDogi