Archie Sen, who resides in Ranchi and is a Civil Service aspirant, has been feeding more than 200 street dogs, every day since the lockdown started last year. Along with ensuring that the dogs are fed properly, she also arranges vaccination and deworming facilities for the dogs.
According to Archie, all of this started with only 2-3 dogs of her locality as a hobby. As the number gradually started increasing day by day, she is now feeding more than 200 street dogs daily. In addition to that, she has also put more than 50 water pots for dogs at different locations and put reflective collar belts on more than 150 dogs to prevent them from accidents.
Archie told the media “As most of the street dogs are dependent upon the leftovers of street food vendors in market areas, I started wondering how they would be getting food during the lockdown. Then, I thought of helping them out and went to Morhabadi Ground with four packets of biscuits which got finished within minutes. The following day, I went with more packets of biscuit which also got finished as their number started increasingly regularly”.
Later, she started feeding them dog food but she couldn't continue it for a longer time as it required a lot of money. “Then I created a social media page – ‘Street Dogs of Ranchi’ asking people to donate for the welfare of street dogs which actually worked and several animal lovers came forward to help due to which we can feed more than 200 street dogs every day,” said Archie. They are asked not necessarily to donate cash, but instead provide dog food, vaccines, multi-vitamins, collar belts, and other related things.
“I also carry special diet separately for the elderly, pregnant, lactating, and ailing dogs which require special treatment,” said Archie. In addition to that she has also arranged vaccination and sterilization in association with the Ranchi Municipal Corporation, she added. “All the dogs in Morhabadi Ground are vaccinated. Sometimes, I even bring them home or send them to shelter if they are too sick to stay on the roads,” she said. The youngster also finds new homes for them and has facilitated legal adoption of over 10 street dogs of local breeds, she added. “Everyone talks against animal care and animal cruelty, but very few want to do something for them. I appeal to everyone to come forward and feed at least one animal every day as they are also a part of our society,” she said.
Sanjeet Kumar Sen, Archie's father, is happy that his daughter is working for the welfare of animals and supporting him fully for this cause. “The satisfaction it gives by feeding a starving dog cannot be explained in words. Looking at my daughter’s interest in street dogs, I simply started supporting her,” said the father.
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