Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli is all set to open up two new animal shelters in Mumbai. Kohli shared the news on World Stray Animals Day. In the post on social media, he also presented his gratitude towards his wife, actor Anushka Sharma, as to how she has always inspired him by her passion for animals.
Through the Virat Kohli Foundation, the Indian batsman has set up an animal welfare project in Mumbai. This has been done in collaboration with Vivaldis Animal Health, a leading Indian animal healthcare company founded by Kunal Khanna, a London Business School alumnus, and with Awaaz Voice of Stray Animals, a local NGO in Mumbai.
The two animal shelters will be set up by the Virat Kohli Foundation and Vivaldis Animal Health in Malad and Boisar and will be run by Awaaz, Voice Of Stray Animals, a local NGO.
The shelter in Malad will be a temporary rehabilitation center, where small injured stray animals such as dogs and cats will be admitted for a temporary period of treatment. The other center will be a permanent rehabilitation center providing shelter to stray animals with disabilities and deformities. Kohli will also sponsor the ambulances for the centers, while Vivaldis will take care of the animals’ healthcare needs.
This is the first time the Virat Kohli Foundation has taken up an animal welfare project. So far, it has primarily focused on supporting aspiring athletes from all over India. Kohli credits Anushka’s love for animals as the inspiration behind this initiative. He says, “looking after the welfare of animals is a cause very close to my heart now as Anushka is very passionate about this issue. Her vision to help stray animals across India is truly inspiring for me and since I have met her, I have tried to understand more about animal rights and the urgent need for medical assistance for strays. It is a dream to create a safer space for the stray animals of our city, and I’m happy to be taking on this project, and working with like-minded people, to create some facilities to help these animals.”
Source: Times Of India
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