Pre-Party to Pet Fed - Kitty Bash Edition
Make way Tabbies are Coming! Join us at the Kitty Bash edition of the Pre Party at this awesome place -Oyster Bar and Kitchen for a fun-filled Sunday with your Kitties! Also, get a complimentary Cat buffet, goodies, in-house health check-up & much more with each ticket!
As promised, anyone with an Early Bird Pass to PET FED Bengaluru 2022 gets FREE ENTRY! Just walk in with your Pet Fed Passports to avail of this!
Please note, the number of passes for Pre-Party will be the same as the number of Early Bird Passes purchased. Additional guests can purchase tickets.
For Hoomans who don't have an Early Bird Pass -
Entry Fee: Rs. 299 per person
No charge for pets
Necessary precautions that are taken at the event:
- Limited Seating Event
- Temperature Checks at Entry
-Entire Team with Face Masks & Gloves
- Regular Sanitization
Call Us on 9811639193 for More Details or Visit