Give Your Pets The Weekend They Deserve!

Swipe Right for Woofs

Once there was a dog translator, fairly recent, 2016 woman named Ananya Bhatia, who breathed words into woofs. She came across two dogs barking and found the conversation so helpful for the mankind that she decided to share the conversation here, for one and all.

Merlin (For that was the name of the dog): I heard you had a lifestyle makeover. Didn’t believe my ears, so came to see it myself. It’s true, your coat is shinier, you’ve built some solid muscles. Gettin’ laid or something?

Cheers (Who was exactly like his name): “Or something”! I got my youth back. My health has improved and it shows, doesn’t it? My fur is radiant even without baths. Well, it’s all because of Chewlicious, new treats that my human mommy bought for me.

Merlin: Eh! What’s so special about these treats?

Cheers: They are made from Churrpi, which is a treat made from Yak milk, all organic! No artificial stuff for me now, mate. It’s so tasty that it tastes like cheese!

Merlin: Cheese? Oh, bhowsies! I will have to annoy my human till they buy me this! Anybhow, what’s the purpose of such shiny coat if you aren’t as popular as me?

Cheers: Where, in your dreams?

Merlin: Nope. You may fetch yourself abysmal likes on Facebook, but I am a real star on PetSutra, an app specially made for us, my human downloaded it for me. Finally, something my Apple and Android using humans could both agree on, it’s bhowsome! You could browse dog photos, and it may help you find a mate. There are cute bitches out there man, just waiting for us!

Cheers: Bitches? For real? None of those stuff toys nonsense?


Merlin: No! Real hoomans meet others and decide our dates and mates, just like those soppy romantic Bollywood movies. So interesting! Foreigners such as cats, birds, and those hamsters are also allowed. I believe the phrase is, “Creating a complete ecosystem for pets!”

Cheers: Let me get on PetSutra and show you who the bigger star is!

Merlin: Dream on, puppy! Let’s show you who’s your daddy.


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